Digital quests in Dubai

Digital quests (treasure hunting) with our game app are a super tool for business events!

Team building, interactive city tour, post-training tool for developing knowledge/skills/skills in the gamification format, developing the necessary competencies, business game.

And all this can be realized with the help of our game application, cool scriptwriters and coaches.

Almost anywhere in UAE. For any number of people.

Participants are divided into teams
Creating teams name
Desciding who will be a team leader
Teams receive tablets,
short briefing
Individual route and order
issuing tasks
Searching tasks and missions
with masters of the game
Auto scoring
team results
Online and offline
mode (in case
lack of internet)
Audio, video, photo tasks
Timer on each task
Hints, chat with game operator
map with locations
Ready concepts

It’s a mix of treasure hunting (digital quest) and excursion.

Participants will immerse themselves in one of the legends about a powerful artifact — the Desert Rose. This is not a flower, as many people think. This is an incredibly beautiful sand stone, that looks similar like a rose. Some old timers say that this stone is the soul of those lost in desert, others believe that it was formed by a heavy thunderbolt striking the sand. Some other people believe in a legend about two lovers whose tears fell on sand and thus created the artifact.

The quest takes place in the historical city — Al Fahidi, where the teams will get acquainted with the real history of Dubai, learn that it does not owe its greatness to oil at all, see the way of life and learn about traditions.
Participants will go through a real adventure finding clues and completing missions, using specoal game application, tablets and interactive tools.

They will to bargain with merchants, searching answers in small souvenir markets, visiting special old traditional houses.

OPTION: Afterall guests could cross the river in a traditional boat — «abra» — so to get to the famouse Old Souk — Old Bazaar (Gold Souq, Spice Souk).


From 10 to 150

Employees of the company come to the agent training base. The most strong, smart and successful people.
Their task is to pass all the tests and to pump soft skills: team work, skilld of hearing each other, making decisions, work with information, and face unusual situations.

The most digital quest. Sensors that need to be found and deactivated, analyzed objects in a secret suitcase, listen to the recording of scientists and find a clue, using keys with toggle switches, a secret key and a keyboard, entering a password. But the mission has to be POSSIBLE!

2-2,5h and more
From 10 to 250

One of the most famous and one of the most expensive paintings by Picasso, Sleeping Girl, worth $155 million, was brought to the city for an exhibition.

But something happened and it was dissapeared or was stolen. Now there is an almost impossible task — you need to somehow get out of the situation before an international scandal rises.

The police, the FSB are already looking for her, but it is necessary that the press does not notice the loss and does not trumpet everything throughout the country. We urgently need to replace the picture with a double for a while and to help find arobber. We have only a few hours to do this.

2-2.5h and more
From 10 to 250
UNITY TOWER in the city

Dubai is not just an emirate, not just acity. It is a big company with different departments. And the Emir of Dubai, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum , is its CEO. This is exactly his approach to the development of the emirate as to the development of the company. And you know for sure that every person in it is important. Their experience, skills , human qualities and what they bring to the common cause. Also, team work . It all becomes meaningless without it. And today we will not just work as a team. Today we will build a symbol of unity — the TOWER!
Yes, yes, almost like Babylonian, but in our case it will work!

This program contains 2 parts:

  1. Digital treasure hunting with an app. During that quest, teams will complete missions with game masters and innovative interactive equipment and props.
  2. Building a huge tower. Eco-tower from bamboo. It can be 5-7 or even more meters high.
From 30 to 250
UNITY TOWER in the desert

Similar conceprion as UNITY TOWER in the city, but we don’t use tablets and digital app.

We use old-school wooden navigators with compases and GPS-sensors. With the help of it teams searching for check-points and passing the missions with game masters and interesting equipment. And yes, we use another one, more suitable to desert location.

This program contains as well 2 parts:

  1. Treasure hunting with navigators.
  2. Building a huge tower. Eco-tower from bamboo. It can be 5-7 or even more meters high.
From 30 to 250

Need for speed. Need for victory. Need for success.

Participants will create not only their own remote-control race cars on a ready base, but even a track with obstacles.

And at the end they will take part in an emotional dynamic race. What will be important? Time, maneuverability and the coolest car design.

We have two options of mechanics. One of wich shows the real case from business-trainings. It’s a good example of how the company works inside. It’s and interaction of the company’s departments with each other, the transfer of projects, preparation of detailed specifications, delegation tasks and etc.

Besides it can be mixed with digital quest with tablets and game app, duting wich teams will earn «money» for the subsequent purchase of spare parts for the cars.

From 30 to 120
NO BOARDERS (*indoor)

We are launching an adventure filled with travel dreams, interesting facts about different parts of our planet, the search for answers to unusual questions and, most importantly, a cool mood of a friendly atmosphere. So, please fasten your seat belts, open the window blinds and …

Let’s start our journey WITHOUT ANY BORDERS!

It’s a table-game in a conference room with using special gaming app, some printed materials, tasks with facilitator and missions with game masters and unique equipment.

From 20 to 150

Creating a vision for the company, identifying the strengths of employees, potential challenges and opportunities in team collaboration to achieve plans — these and many other tasks can be solved through the construction of 3D models in LEGO®.
This method has been used by renowned companies around the world for over 20 years. It allows you to turn on the subconscious and stimulate the imagination, as opposed to stereotyped thinking. In a creative session, a lot of insights and non-standard ideas arise.

This format allows each employee to express their opinion and hear the thoughts of colleagues, increasing respect for the opinions of others. The decisions made in such discussions significantly increase the responsibility of the participants for the decisions made and their further implementation.

From 20 to 100
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